Kettles have become a staple in the home. And with this, many wonder if they should be classified as Class 1 or 2. Electrical appliances can either be classified as Class 1 or 2. This classification is based on their energy rating, which will determine the safety and power levels of the appliance.
Before we dig into details, you must know the difference between Class1 and Class 2 appliances:
What is the difference between Class 1 and Class 2 appliances?
Class 1:
- Class 1 electrical appliances use electricity for general household purposes such as heating food, cooking and drying clothes, etc. These are low-voltage electrical appliances since they don’t exceed 1000 watts of power output.
- With Class 1 appliances, the user is offered additional protection in terms of essential insulation and a connection to earth ground. When PAT Testing Class 1 appliances, Earth Continuity and Insulation Resistance tests are provided, these appliances are usually made of metal, have three cable cores, and the plug has a metal Earth pin.
- Fridges, microwaves, irons, kettles and toasters are an example of Class 1 appliances.
Class 2:
- Class 2 electrical appliances use electricity for industrial purposes such as operating machinery or manufacturing processes. These are also high-voltage electrical appliances since they exceed 1000 watts of power output.
- These appliances are double insulated, meaning the user is protected with two layers of insulation. This type of appliance also doesn’t require an earth connection; when it comes to PAT testing, the insulation needs to be checked.
Are kettles Class 1 or 2?
A kettle is considered a Class 1 item and acts as two separate items. It includes the detachable base and the metal lead.
How are kettles tested and tagged?
To do an efficient Kettles Tested and Tagged, you must understand the different ways to test the kettle. For example, a newer model might have different testing requirements than an older model. Some will have a jug that attaches to a base plate. Others will offer just the jug and an IEC lead.
It’s important to know that the jug and kettle are tested together because you can’t use them separately.
The process for tagging and testing kettles is listed below:
- Perform visual inspection
- Before starting the electrical test, ensure there’s no water on the element.
- To get accurate results, avoid placing the leading on noticeably high mineral build-up areas.
- Connect the lead to the Portable Appliance Tester.
- Once you have plugged the kettle into your Portable Appliance Tester, then switch ON the kettle.
- Perform a Class I Test
- This will include an Earth Bond and Insulation Resistance Test.